I've noticed over time, that I tend to talk to myself while running.
Now, this is not to be confused with the usual mental coaching session that normally occupies my senses as I hit the trails. I actually vocalize as I run.
It's not a run-long conversation with myself in which I answer myself or anything quite as psychotic. It's more of various mantras and chants I repeat. The more tired I get, the more loopy and lightheaded I become, the more repetitive these prayers to deities unknown become.
Sometimes a song on my iPod playlist will hit a nerve, and I'll find myself repeating a phrase or chorus, sometimes it's a trite "motivational" phrase like "No Pain! No Pain!" or "Not Tired! Just Fired!"
I'm sure I both look and sound like a crazy person to the casual observer. As such I do try keep my volume down when near other folks. I already look silly with my racing gear going at a snail's pace, I don't want to add to it.
Since I run with my iPod blaring in my ears, sometimes I'm unaware of how loud I can be, so when running with other folks I keep one earbud out, so I can also be aware of my environment as well my as crazy antics. This has led to an interesting discovery recently.
I am not alone.
As I ran past one fellow, I overheard him repeating "Come on sun. Come out sun" as it was cold that morning. A lady passed me who seemed to have her own running commentary of "You can do this. You got this."
I'm not sure how this makes me feel.
I mean, either I'm normal, or all runners are bat-shit crazy.
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